Sunday, August 12, 2007

a spider loves my doorstep

so it offers me a deal
from sunset to sunrise it runs
round and round
spinning its web
from sunrise to sunset
it pulls up its web
so i could sit


Michael K. said...

WHOOOOOOOOOOAAAAAH! That motherfucker means business. Tell me: does the spider carry a gun?

water said...

It would have made things easier if it did. Call the police and I am free! Now, what can you do with hygemony in the name of business?!

Michael K. said...

If you ever want to leave your house, you're gonna have to face this thing. My suggestion is either a yardstick or a water hose: both are good for action from a distance.

I have a spider friend too. I live in a basement apt. now, which means my living room window is ground-level. There's a short bush that grows right outside it, and the biggest baddest spider I've seen in a while has spun a three-layered web between the bush and the windowpane. Tonight I was talking on the phone and watched him catch a big helpless ant - you should have seen him bite the hell out of the poor bug and dance around him in mad circles. He was excited, but he still knew exactly what he was doing.

I suppose from a different point of view we ourselves resemble spiders dancing excitedly around a dead bug. Sigh. Is that Taoist enough for you?

Nicholas Theisen said...

When C and i were still living in Japan, we would get regular visits from a giant fuck-off spider whose movement could only be described as a skittering dart. It was my job to catch him (i.e. crawl all over me for awhile) and "dispose" of him, which C assumed meant I would terminate him with extreme prejudice. I usually just tossed him in a bush.

Colleen was always amazed how many spiders ended up in our apartment. I think it was always the same one.

Michael K. said...

You can't imagine how many spiders, silverfish, millipedes, etc. I had to kill for PK. It was an entirely different experience from killing bugs on your own: one moment you're fully in the throes of your performed masculinity, the next you think "God, how stupid and trivial this is." Unlike Nicholas, however, I have no problem with extremely prejudicial termination. WHAM! And now you're a sticky brown spot!

water said...

HOOOHHOOOHOHO!! Killed or not, yours are SOME SPIDERS!! Nicholas and I are together on the equal opportunity principle. I always ask Lei to send the spiders back to Nature safe and sound. He does so when they were not captured DEAD already. I never suspected it was the same one though. Now that Nicholas mentioned it, I think it's possible:)

Mike's extremely prejudicial termination of the spider resembles exactly what Garfield did to his spider friend.:D Hmmm, from now on, Mike is Mr. Garfield.

Garfield: I think you are more optimistic than me. While I do agree that what we do are a lot like dancing around a dead bug, I am not that excited though. Probably because the bug is dead already and I am not the one who accomplished the kill. Our blog entries taste like our bugs though. Hmmm, yeah, sounds like some Taoist moments. Hehe:)

Michael K. said...

The only thing that makes me feel better about the pointlessness of killing bugs is that it's nowhere near as pointless as you two driving the SAME goddamn spiders out of your apartments over and over because you can't bring yourself to kill them. Talk about bleeding hearts. Just eliminate the vermin, for pity's sake! No wonder academics have the reputation they do.

Nicholas Theisen said...

Which only goes to show how deep down you are a true marxist and we are not.

Michael K. said...

I think Nicholas is suggesting I would be first in line to help out with a Stalinist purge.

I probably would be if the first group to go to the wall would be the cast of The Hills.

water said...

From Spider to Stalin. Sounds like a nice title for something academic, either a conference paper or Garfield's book:)

Michael K. said...

Are you calling me Garfield because I like to kill spiders, or because I'm an overweight orange cat who appears in a comic strip whose unfunniness rivals only that of Family Circle or any cartoon that ever appeared in the New Yorker?

water said...

First off, you know I am calling you Garfield because you like to kill spiders just like Garfield.

Second, I think Garfield's funniness is unrivaled, not his "unfunniness." Don't you think he is the most intelligent and funniest cat in the world?

Michael K. said...

Oh man, don't even get me started on how unfunny almost all syndicated newspaper comics are in this country, and how Garfield is at the top of the heap. Peanuts is right up there too. I think Nicholas should weigh in on this one, seeing as how he's our resident expert on pictures in boxes that are put next to each other to tell a story. Syndicated comics are designed to be amusing only to old people and small children - the only people who still read the comics page. I read it all the time growing up, but I don't think I found it any more funny then than I do now - I was just more bored then, and had fewer things to fill up my time. Now I have the INTERNET!

Nicholas Theisen said...

Well, Garfield used to be quite funny when i was a kid; and while Gimlet may be right about Family Circus (it is painfully unfunny), do not cast aspersions on Peanuts. Early Peanuts (late 50s/early 60s) is quite brutal and thus eminently entertaining. I've been collecting the anthologies, and they're quite good.

As for newspaper comics in general, there's good and bad. I happen to like a strip called Neil Jam done by a guy i went to school with in Missouri. Boondocks used to be quite good until McGruder decided he'd make a bad tv show out of it. Bloomsbury was quite good in its day along with its spinoff Outland. Opus and Bill the Cat are two of the greatest comics characters ever created.

Dilbert was also good early on but quickly settled into a routine; B.C. had some pretty decent gags. Foxtrot is okay when Jason is in the strip, and Calvin and Hobbes was simply classic. Basically, for me, the comics were at their best roughly when I was in Junior High and High School, thought not everything being printed today is rubbish.

And if we're talking cats, the Gimlet has far more Bill the Cat in him than Garfield.

water said...

Thanks to our Expert. I now have much to explore. Hmm, maybe Gimlet likes Bill better than Garfield as a name.