I went to the gym this morning. I have locked myself into a two-year membership to guarantee regular attendance since last month, not to get bulging biceps, but to get a robust mind, robust enough to resist all the surges of dark thoughts in the process of writing a dissertation. I remember Felipe once wanted to write his dissertation on the struggles of a graduate student, but was told that was not a good topic because nobody cared about the struggles of a graduate student. If that is really the case, we nobodies could at least nod at our struggles in our blogs:)
This was my third visit in two months. I had found all kinds of legitimate excuses not to go though the gym was only a five-minute walk from my place. Apparently, the ache of dollars bleeding from my purse could not force me out of my old habit.
The gym was crowded. Many people got a book or magazine spread open in front of them while pedaling away on the machine. I wandered how they could read when their bodies were constantly in motion. Does staring at the beautiful bodies on the page make the transformation into the ideal easier and faster? Or, is this another way of avoiding eye contact with fellow exercisers? Or, maybe it's just me having trouble reading while running.
Why this picture? I wish I could visit the gym with the same joy and persistence as this surfer dog. I took this picture in Monterey. The owner told me they came to the beach everyday, and everyday the dog chased the waves with the same excitement and energy. Nonstop, for an hour.
You are not going to look pretty when you run fast--especially compared to a running dog. Just my personal experience.:)
everyday or every day? or does English grammar change at so puzzling a tempo? :-)
happen to find that there is a link to my space here. but i do not even know who u r. hopefully it won't be a mystery.
yes, every day. thanks for pointing this out. and i wondered, not i wandered (lonely as a cloud). next time, i will be more careful.:)
i don't know you either. i linked your blog because it was fun to read. hope you don't mind. if you do, let me know and i will take it off. hopefully the answer is no.
Definitely I am far from minding your linking my blog to yours, which is a place of literary fun and natural beauty. As a matter of fact, I feel immensely pleased to see my MSN space address recorded here.
BTW, my MSN account: udumbara@hotmail.com. Why not have a chat online with yours Truly? :)
thanks, so your blog will stay:-)
you won't believe this, but it's true: i have never used msn nor qq. my friends have been pushing me to get one, and i will, hopefully soon. until then, i'll have to reply on the blog for a chat with yours truly.:)
Will you two love birds get a room already...
Anyway, two things:
1) Taking in information, particularly of the visual and auditory variety, while exerting yourself physically, aids in converting that information into long term memory.
2) Running at the same pace for an extended period of time is almost as bad as not exercising at all. Intervals are the way to go: you won't feel like dropping dead afterwards and it boosts your metabolism so your body actually burns more calories when you're not exercising.
come on, nicholas. don't be your mean self with a stranger and you will actually make friends.
thanks for the gym tips. they are extremely helpful:)
want to know my tips?--stop thinking and be an idiot when you work out.
Why are you going to a gym? You're tiny and skinny.
Here's a hint as to why the dog finds the same enthusiasm to gambol about in the waves every day: dogs are STUPID.
great question, mike. here is an answer.
the gym is a lesser substitute for the riverside parks in aa. considering the crime rate in new haven, i could no longer loiter alone in the parks as i did before. (i miss aa!) rest assured i am not a convert to the gym cult that you and nicholas are in:)
update your blog!
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