Sunday, March 4, 2007



其实上周村里已经连演了六天大戏。各厂出钱请来县里唱得最好的。虽不是一个班子,但戏都熟,也不用排练。这边刚演完,大哥就把二老接走了。城里请来沈阳评剧团,在娱乐宫演出, 五六十块一张票。幸亏票是人送的,不然凭老爸每月六百块退休金,戏再好也不能看。母亲说,沈阳评剧团唱得好,演员都是十几二十来岁。村里请的临时戏班,最年轻的也四十几岁了。

看来英雄还得出在少年。祖国传统剧目后继有人,心中宽慰。突然想起好长时间没看过戏了。现时纽约热演 "The Coast of Utopia",文化精英们都去看,一张票两三百块,美元。咬咬牙,还是舍不得。做精英要有经济基础。自己这状况,只能看看临时戏班的免费演出。


Anonymous said...

dear, "the coast of utopia" does not speak to our experience--at least not as much as the chinese operas. Just read Bakhtin's book on the carnivals of the premodern Europe--therefore especially love the way you wrote about these local events.

Unknown said...

Finally, I'm back to the E-life. Happy to find there is something I am close to but you guys in the States have to dream in life, hehe... I've changed my hotmail space and open it to "everyone", dear, just for your sake. You should be able to read it now. (

Unknown said...

I've often wondered, cuz me nots da native speaka yo, can 少年 be used in Mandarin of boys as well as girls? I know it can be used generically in that sense, but could you refer to a specific boy or girl as 少年? In Japanese, you can only do so for boys.

Earlier, you mentioned your niece, so I was wondering if there's an irony I'm missing in the hero being a 少年 or not.

water said...

i checked google, the most trusted source of information. it's the same case with chinese. when it comes to specifics, 少年 only means a boy.

so you did not miss no irony:)

Michael K. said...

What kind of keyboard are you using?!?! Does it look like an old-fashioned telephone switchboard or what?!??!?!

Ever the Westerner,

water said...

easy, mike. next time i am going to post for you westerners. but don't you see chinese is good for you? look how brilliantly creative you were in imagining the old chinese-character typewriter.

here is how my keyboard look like:

Nicholas Theisen said...

you can type the barbo-speak on any keyboard, so long as the east asian fonts are installed and you know the pinyin.

for example, if I switch my IME to barbo-speak (mysteriously labeled CH for some reason) and type "wo shi laozi nice to meet you" I get 我是老子乃宿土米处. It's really quite simple.

Michael K. said...

I know all that already, I was just being funny.

I've seen some of the old-fashioned Chinese typewriters in Wong Kar-Wai's "In the Mood for Love", and let me tell you, if there's one workplace appliance that would make me want to run from my job into the arms of another man's wife, particularly one who never wears the same dress for more than ten minutes at a time, it would have to be that typewriter.

water said...

of course we knew you were being funny. you are always funny. and this typewriter scenario is funny too. or, are you serious this time?;)